I really enjoy doing my out and about posts. I must admit that I am not much of a photographer but I enjoy taking pictures of the world around me. Hopefully it will be a place where my friends can go and see how the rural world in which I live helps form the person that I am.
I am not actually hiding this blog. It is listed on my blogroll but I did not put it on my profile. If you have found your way here then welcome to my view of Texas!
Thanks so much, Siren. You are my first commenter. I appreciate it. Now when is the mermaid going to turn around?
Got one with a buffalo head on the tail for good luck. Will that work?
Thank you, Mimi. I was wondering what people would say about sticking my mug up here.
Thanks for showing up, Jezebel. It is nice to meet you.
Thanks for saying so, Ranea. But it is I that is the lucky one.
Fuzz this is a beautiful blog....the pitures are just great!!! Its very very interesting. My town is very small also. But I love that about it. Maybe I will take some pictures to show of it.
And you are a very good looking guy!!!
You should post some pics of your hometown, Catch. By your descriptions it sounds nice.
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