Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Small Town, America

This is a shot of my hometown from the hill that overlooks the town at the base of a large wooden cross. I have always liked to park at this spot and watch the world go by. I can remember in my youth when the main drag was filled with cars every weekend. It is a very rare occasion when it is that way anymore. Now when I speak of my small hometown, maybe you will know that I am not exaggerating one bit.


  1. That road looks like it goes on forever.
    And Bruce ( ;) ) Its wasnt a problem to obscure anything.

  2. Anonymous1:16 AM

    OK, first, Ranea calls me Jim, and now Pixie is calling you by my name... It's enough to give a guy a complex, for Goodness sake. ;)

    Fuzz- I'm originally from a small town, myself(Olean, NY), so I can definitely appreciate what you mean. Nice pic, btw.

  3. alex: Thanks for popping in.

    pixie: It is a good view.

    bruce: I don't know what would be worse for you. Being mistaken for Jim or me.

  4. kinda looks like the town I live in.

    except there is no staute of a boll weevil in the center of town. ;-)

  5. siren: Before I came back and settled down I roamed quite a bit living in larger places like Fort Worth and such but I was never really as comfortable as back here. I guess that I am just a small town guy.

    mimi: That is a cool name but I have the old fall back name that is spoken by John Travolta in 'Urban Cowboy.' Hi, My names Bud and I'm from ...'

    ranea: Photoshopped out. ;)

    big pissy: I am glad that you found your way over here. And no boll weevil. How sad. ;)

  6. Fuzz -- are you sure that's the "only" reason your park here?! HA HA HA

    P.S. I love Pixie's new template for you! It rocks!

  7. Thanks Curare. Back in the old days there were actually a couple of reasons to park there other than the one that I have listed.

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I'm just a city kid but I think there is no better place to live then a small town like the one in the pic.

  9. Kinda looks like a place I have been a time or two called Spur Texas. I was there a few weeks ago, and good Lord willing will be there again next August on my way to Girard for my family reunion. Great shots!!
