Sunday, June 11, 2006

Abandoned Rock House

Lovely but lonely, this rock house sits about 15 miles from the closest town. I love the red star above the entrance. It is a small touch that makes this simple rock structure really stand out when driving down the road. It is a shame that no one lives here. I can picture myself sitting on the front porch and watching the sun rise over the rolling plains.


  1. Mimi, perhaps the location of this house does not bode well for it. I could have put forth a number of other houses just as nice and just as forsaken. It is a shame of urbanization. I to may some day be forced back to the city. It will not be a happy day for me if that happens.

  2. Is the sky always so blue there? In most of the pictures the sky is that crazy shade of blue. It's so beautiful.

    And the red star just proves to me that your pics are of Texas! :-)

  3. I have never realized that the color of the sky is so different but it is frequently this shade until a good windstorm and then it is a crazy shade of brown. The star on this house has always reminded me of a Texaco station. I will have to take some pics of sunsets. They can be amazing around here.

  4. Notice that front porch. Houses today are rarely built with a porch.
    I remember seeing houses, years ago, with a porch all the way down one side and sometimes down the another side.
    I suppose A/C was not available and the front porch was a shady, cooler gathering place.
    Strange how our lifestyles affects things like that.

  5. My wife loves these old houses with the large front porches. I love the old houses with the dog runs down the center. There is not many standing except in museums like the Ranching Heritage Museum. It just shows what man did before all the modern conveniences.

  6. I love this little house, its such a shame its just wasteing away :(

  7. Anonymous4:36 AM

    There's a story waiting in there Fuzz...
    The red star is very cool.

