Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dickens Springs

I am pretty busy without a lot of time but I have many pictures of one of my favorite places in this part of the world. Even in the harshest of droughts this is one of the few places where the land stays green. I will be posting more pics and stories of this place in the coming posts.


  1. It certainly does look very lush and green.

  2. That`s a cool placce.
    I spent many hours there, in my younger days.
    I won`t mention any names because those ladies are probably married now and have families. Sheese..probably have grandkids.

  3. It is always nice and green, Pixie. And the sound of the running water over the rocks is quite soothing.

    I know what you mean Phred. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly to out Grandma's.

  4. It is a very peaceful spot, Mimi.

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Wow so many great places in Texas.
