Friday, June 02, 2006

East Mound Cemetery

The entrance to the East Mound Cemetery was built in the late 1800's. In that day and age the entrance was built wide enough to permit a small wagon carrying a coffin into the grounds. As you can see by the tracks, the entrance is rather narrow. A family car barely fits through the gate and larger vehicles must go around. This cemetery is just east of Matador, Texas.


  1. That gate looks just like something one would see in a theme park.
    Is it still an "active" cemetery or is it full ?

  2. It is still in use. Rock was a popular building material in the past around this part of the world. I love rock structures and my favorite is rock houses. It is no longer in favor and a lot of these beautiful structures are just falling in. It is a shame.

  3. That is so true Ranea. I will probably post a pic of one of my favorite rock houses in the area on my next post. The house has been empty for a long time now but it still has a lot of charm. It would be nice if someone would buy this house and make it a home again.

    I would love to see those Mimi. I have seen pics but I have never visited that area of the country but maybe one day, I will be able to roam this great country and see it all from sea to sea.

    They all have a story to tell. Don't they, Siren?

  4. I love the mixture of color in this picture Fuzz. The gree trees...and the brown/grey of the stone creates this awesome contrast....

  5. Cemetarys are a contrast aren't they. We build in essence a beautiful park to celebrate life among those that are passed. Such is the human condition, I suppose.

  6. I've been stopping at this cemetery for some time, on my way to Oklahoma from New Mexico, and always take time to photograph the stones. I'm slowly getting them added to

    I'm always ready to take a break and have a stretch by the time I get to Matador, and this cemetery is just the place for a peaceful stop.

    I noticed last week that it is nearly covered with a wild moss rose, as well as huge red ant beds!

    I've enjoyed your pictures, and like you, absolutely love rock houses.

  7. Thanks, Momma J, The red ant beds are good in a way. The Horned Toad is an endangered species now as in so many places fire ants have decimated the red ant population and red ants are horned toads only food source. They won't eat anything else.
