Friday, July 07, 2006

Nothing Much

This pic didn't turn out like I hoped but I spent about ten minutes waiting for that damned bird to fly to an area where I could get the moon in the background.


  1. Oh well the thought was there. You should have photoshopped a moon on there ;)

  2. Mimi,I decided on a b&w pic maybe it would have shown up cleared in color.

    Pixie, If you enlarge the pic you can see the moon. It was just a tiny sliver of moon that night. A couple of days away from a rustlers moon as they call it around here.

  3. Ahh I see it. Thanks

  4. Ditto to Mimi!

    Dontcha hate it when you "see" something great, but you just can't capture it on film the way you see it......

  5. I have to agree with curare_z ! :)

  6. Pixie, it didn't show up real well.

    Curare, that is one of lifes little problems. But the photos tend to last longer than my poor memory.

    Big Pissy, so do I.

  7. Freakin animals never do '' cooperate ''.
