Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Catfish & Bar-B-Q

Another rainy day shot. This in my opinion is one of the most inventive signs that I have ever seen. Besides having a really cool sign, this little joint in Post, Texas has some huge Catfish plates and the Chicken Fried Steaks melt in your mouth.


  1. I don't think I could ever bring myself to tey catfish ( I mean even pre-veggie) I would only ever eat fish that came in white frozen blocks, in bread crumbs or batter. Cod, Haddock or Tuna that was the full extent.

    i read somewhere the other day that despite being a tiny island with some of the best fishing waters around the Uk eat hardly any fish.

    That sign is rather cool though , esp with the "brooding" sky behind it.

  2. Pixie, you don't know what your missing. Fried Catfish is a delicacy beyond description. And isn't there some forms of vegatarianism that allows fish?

    Mimi, around here in most places it is a Friday item. A lot of places have either a fish plate on Fridays or all you can eat fish night on that day.

    Ranea, ain't he cute.

  3. I've never sampled catfish. There were plenty of them in the lake next to our camp in the Sierras last weekend, making bubbling noises as they fed along the shore during the night and early a.m. I've never seen catfish in a mountain lake up at 6,000 ft where we were. Must be a sign of global warming. I would like to try catfish, but I've heard they are a pill to clean.

  4. There are people who dont eat meat but eat fish. I proably have eaten things with parts of animal in them out here because nothing is labelled!
    in the Uk almost every brand you buy (including store brand) will state "suitable for vegetarians"

    Sometimes I think it might be easier to just go back to eating meat!

  5. TS Duff, they do take a bit to clean but the farm raised catfish that comes to stores already filleted are damn good.

    Pixie, I would think that would be tough. I hope you don't mind me asking this question but as a confirmed and devout meat eater, I would like to ask what made you become a vegatarian in the first place?

  6. Yummm! I luv catfish! I'm bbq'in some tonight-as a matter of fact!

    ...and I believe man was meant 2 eat meat! Oh, give me a bloody prime rib One Inch thick, run it thru a warm room.... LET'S EAT!!!
    I just don't know how U can live on those veggie burgers--They taste soooo gross.

    My daughter tried the veggie thing, how could she give up the steak and ribs, I just don't know!
    It only lasted 3 months!

  7. Starbender, she lasted three months longer than I could.

  8. i thought it was against the law to be vegetarians in texas....catfish and bbq...that and sweet tea are some of the best things about texas...eh..blue bell ice cream...dublin dr.pepper...and the cowboys who just beat new orleans...

  9. Granny, when my brother-in-law got married the maid of honor was a vegetarian that was really overweight. I suppose she only ate fried vegatables. So wha cha think bout T.O. and the Pokes?

  10. Fuzz: I always felt "guilty" about eating meat but not guilty enought to stop then when we had the BSE scare back in the early 90's I stopped eating beef so I just went all the way and stopped eating other meats and fish too. I missed bacon like crazy for ages.
