Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Grain Elevators

The tracks are long since gone and the whistle of the train is no longer even a distant echo of memory but the silos stand at the edge of town as Sentinels to a time gone by.


  1. those are really great pictures...doncha just love texas.

  2. Love this place. Your photos are so interesting... you might try looking at this site which lists daily photos from around the world. In fact, your site should be on it! Check out Austin Daily Photo

  3. Granny, I couldn't think of a place I would rather live. There are many that I would like to visit but Texas will always be home.

    Terry, I went and checked it out. It is a great site.

    Mimi, as a little backstory. I had a friend that went down into one of the larger silos. He captured a baby owl and started climbing the ladder out. When the owl noticed the light from outside it went apeshit and caused my friend to fall and break three vertabae in his back. He was in there alone and climbed back out. I think that I would have laid there and died.
