Friday, August 04, 2006

Patriots In West Texas

Today I had the honor of attending the funeral service of Andrew Velez. A soldier who fell defending freedom in Afghanistan. I stood bearing an American flag in an honor guard. As first the family passed by and then the soldiers bearing the coffin, it really struck me what a debt all of us owe to the young men and women defending this way of life that far to many take for granted.

This family has given so much. First the eldest brother Freddy fell in Iraq and now Andrew in Afghanistan. It was a small thing to stand with the Patriot Riders as they made sure that Andrew's family were able to bury him in all the dignity that he deserved. It is a shame that religious zealots with a twisted view of Christianity would try to desecrate this service. But they did not succeed. The overwhelming presence of The Patriot Guard Riders and those that support the dignity of our defenders kept these contemptible creatures from disrupting the service.

Whether you are hawk or dove makes no difference. These men were issued their orders and followed them. They died in the defense of our freedom as was their duty. It is our duty to remember them and respect them. It is good to see that never again will our soldiers come home to a country that spits on their good name and curse their deeds. That is a shame that I hope this country will not forget but will learn from. These are our sons and daughters, our fathers and mothers, our neighbors, and our friends.

I hold my head up high and will defend them against those that would seek to blemish their honor. So that they may hold their heads up in pride at the honor that they do for us. I am proud of all of those who do the same.


  1. Sorry there aren't a lot of pictures but with a flag in my left hand and my right hand over my heart, there wasn't to many photo oppertunities.

  2. The photos are not needed, your words gave me goose bumps.

    thanks for sharing fuzz
    it cannot be fun and games all the time, reality hits and touches a place in our hearts.

  3. I don't know what I like more about you - your smart ass or your big heart. Glad I don't have to pick between them. You have once again, impressed me.

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    That was beautiful, Fuzz. As oldfartswife aren't needed.

    They give their lives to protect ours and now there are you and your brothers et al protecting them. Full circle.

  5. Old Farts Wife, it would be nice if life could be all fun and games but the fun and games would not be here at all if it wasn't for the realities that can be painful.

    Vic, thank you. That really means a lot to me.

    Pixie, there are a lot of good people in the world but it seems that they are quieter than the wackos and don't get enough attention thrown their way.

    Mimi, and I appreciate the things that your husband and yourself do for all of us.

    Jenna, they do a much greater duty. But I was glad to do a small part in seeing that the family of Andrew Velez was not harassed by the hatemongers.

  6. I wish everyone felt like this--the world would be such a better place!
    God Bless All who have given Their Life - so that we may have a better one!

    Thanx fuzz!

  7. I grew up in the Vietnam era. By the time I got out of high school , it was over..but I was old enough to see our troops come home to all sorts of abuse and dishonor.
    I told myself then, I was proud of these people and would have no part in shaming them.
    Whatever your politics are.. they went and did their job. They deserve to be treated accordingly.
    It`s GOOD to see you, Big D, and the Guard and others stand up and be counted.
    People like Phelps give Christianity ( and the human race ) a bad name.

  8. Starbender, well spoken.

    Phred, I was still in elementary school when the troups came home but witnessing how they were treated really perplexed me. It is good that this is not happening now. Maybe we have learned something.

  9. it broke my heart when i heard about the second parents should have to suffer that kind of loss...glad you could make it...bless their hearts..
