Thursday, November 09, 2006

Change of Season

The difference between the green of the ground cover and the changing of the Scrub Oak leaves makes this pic seem disjointed. Much like the weather lately. Last week the highs were in the high 40's and low 50's today it got in the low 90's.


  1. we have had temps in the high 80's and low 60's at we did get some rain..which was really great..our 'cold' front brought it down to 60's for about 4 days and now it's possible it will be in the 90's...Texas..gotta love her

  2. Got down into the 40s last night here in Walnut Creek - first light frost of the season. I like that picture of the trees with their golden color. Did you call them scrub oaks? Our scrub oaks are green year round.

  3. Whatever those are, they are cool, they almost always grow in a grove ( or cluster).
    I planted a honeylocust tree at my rent house a few years ago, and it turns the coolest yellow/golden.
