The Brazos River

These pictures were taken off of a bridge over looking the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River. As I was driving by the birds were tranquilly sitting along the riverbed. When I stopped on the other side of the bridge and walked out to take my pictures the birds took off and flew all around my son and myself. They were in such a panic that a few of them crashed into the guardrail. I have always admired this view of the river. If it was not for the sight of the electric poles it would seem like stepping back in time.
Thank you so much for commenting, Mimi. I have drove across this bridge many times and this is the first time that I have seen that many birds along the river. It was if they were waiting for me.
The water looks so still.
My son commented on how dirty it looked.
This looks like the view from the bridge in Oriana, Texas Stonewall County?
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