Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Hanging Trees

In an area named Red Mud, which is named for the red color of the dirt lining the canyon walls, is a small spot in the road where the trees overhang the road. In areas of East Texas and other parts of the country, this is no big deal but here in the Rolling Plains it is a rare thing indeed.

When I was back in school, it was a popular place to cruise through with girls. The legend is that these trees were once used to hang rustlers and others that needed the noose. I have never seen documentation that this ever took place but this general area is known to have strange goings on.

Down the road is a deep canyon and a hill known as "Nigger Hill" with the legend that a black man was beheaded there and every once in a while balls of light dance around and it is said that the man is searching for his head. I have seen these lights on a few occasions and though I am a great skeptic, it does send a chill down my spine witnessing them.
Texas Tech University came out to the area to study the strange lights in the area and could never definitively decide what caused this phenomena.

There was also an old abandoned church that had an alter for black masses. It has been torn down now but it was always creepy driving by it and wondering if any Satanists were actually practicing some sort of witchcraft in the old church. There was also a house along the road that local legend said was home to a gruesome murder of a woman and children by the husband and father.

I do not know if any of these legends are true. I only know that it helped get the girls to cuddle closer as the car passed beneath the branches of The Hanging Trees that would scrape across the top of the cab.

(I hope that no one is offended by my repeating the name of the hill. I did not give it this name and to change the name would be false. People of every race from the area know it by this name. Sometimes a name is just a name. Again, I would like to apoligize to anyone who reads these words and are offended.)


  1. Just to tell another little story regarding this area. I was raised in this area. One night as I was driving down a dirt road on my way home. A strange light started following me. If I sped up the light sped up to stay the same difference apart. If I slowed down the light slowed down to stay the same distance behind me. It started freaking me out so I tromped on the gas. The light picked up speed and caught me in the blink of an eye and passed through my back glass and filled the cab of the car with a brilliant light and then just as quickly vanished leaving me back in darkness.

    My wife and some members of my family are amazed that I am still a skeptic concerning supernatural events after hearing this story. But I am hard headed until I know something I will leave my options open on this being a purely natural phenomena. But it certainly made my hair stand on end.

  2. There aren't many in this part of Texas which makes these quite unusual. Most of the times when you see a tree you know that someone has lived there and planted them. But Texas does have the Piney Woods area and it is always strange when I visit that part of Texas when you can't see the forest through the trees.

  3. I always think old churches are spooky, I get a real creepy feeling when I go in them if they are empty.

    That story you told about the light following you, I have had that too. When I was about 9 or 10 I was walking home from my friends at dusk her house was on a lane that looked out onto feilds , my house was on the same lane but further up (and we had other houses facing ours) The other side of the feild there was this light it freaked me out and when I ran it kept up and when I stopped it did too. *Yikes*

  4. Mimi, maybe it is just hard headedness. I have been accused of that a time or two.

    Pixie, I luv this new template that you did. It is awesome. And there is something about abandoned churchs. It is like it creates a type of vacuum.

  5. Wow Fuzz it looks even better with all your pics on, the background seems to set the pictures off really nicely.
    Glad to be of service ;)

  6. It is a shame that such a good template is wasted on my blog. But I truly thank you for doing it.

  7. Thanks guys, Fuzz i dont see why you think its a waste LOL. You have a wonderful blog!

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    No offense taken.
    I think you need some Blind Lemon Jefferson playing softly in the background to achieve the effect you're looking for...


  9. That would be cool indeed.
