Friday, May 26, 2006

Thank You

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Pixie for designing the awesome template on this page. She did a very good job and completed it in one day. She expressed that she did not know much about the west but I think that she captured the look perfectly.


  1. I am so pleased you like it Fuzz ;)
    You are a much easier customer then Webpirate, he always wants things altered a thousand times :\

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    She did a hell of a job, fuzz. I like the new look.

  3. Now that Pixie has the site looking so good, I am debating whether or not I should announce the site on Blugstuff or continue waiting to see if people find it on their own?

  4. Fuzz, I am with Siren on this one, but I do think its really good, I Love your photos and local stories.

  5. Your new place looks great!

    Pixie did an awesome job!

  6. Anonymous10:26 PM

    It really looks pisser, Fuzz.


  7. Thanks Michael. I think she did a bang up job.
