Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another Dry Photo

Just to emphasize the drought a little bit, here is a shot of cattle grazing in the bed of an empty stock tank that was once a pretty good fishing hole also. At least the soil here has enough moisture for a little green vegetation. I had a relative that once burned the needles from cactus in order to give his cattle something to eat. The cows love the cactus but it is a dangerous drastic measure. The cattle will start liking the cactus too much and when the rains come and there is enough grass to graze the cattle, they will eat the cactus; thorns and all. Needless to say, this is a very unhealthy thing for them.


  1. Wow I didnt even realise that things got that bad!. Poor cattle.

  2. How sad :"(
    They R liking the thought of that peyote.

    The weather is all f'd up...
    just like it has been predicted!

    There is NO change of the seasons any more. Up here we go from winter 2 summer and back again. Hardly a spring or autumn!

    Seems like- what isn't drying up or burning, is flooding!

  3. That picture reminds me of that joke where the young bull is talking to the old bull.

  4. Sure, there's some green ... but overall it's quite sad looking indeed.

    -- david

  5. Pixie, Sadly, it does.

    Mimi, the cattle's diet is also supplemented with mineral blocks and hay. But due to the drought hay is not in ready supply and growing more expensive.

    Starbender, it is supposed that there is some substance in the cactus that is addictive to cattle. But this type of cactus does nothing for human consumption. Although the fruit of the prickly pear makes a tasty jelly.

    Phred, he is giving a little snort.

    David, I agree. We need rain badly.
