Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Dry Post

Much too often here on the Rolling Plains of Texas, the promise of early spring rains and green grass fade away to the harsh realization of a parched land deep in the midst of drought. But even in these times, there is beauty in nature if one looks for it.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I LOVE Texas wildflowers!

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Love the pics and funny - you just look like I pictured.

    Awesome template.

  3. Why, aren't U just becomin the blogger of blogs!
    Luv the pics here! I AM a nature
    buffffff! I luv it! I could live outdoors, next 2 a campfire!

  4. Lisa, so do I.

    Thanks Ben, have fun looking around.

    Jenna, you may be the first one that has told me that I look as they thought.

    starbender: It is hard sometimes to remember what goes where but I bet you have the same problem.

    Mimi, sadly as seen in the top pick there isn't a lot of color to be brought out.

  5. Great blog, Fuzz! I'm glad you posted about it!

  6. I am glad that you liked it Green Eyes.

  7. This really is a great template.
    I don't think that plains exist in the state of AR.
    I'm surrounded by trees and water. I love it.
    The Texas plains have their beauty too.
    Nature is just so darned pretty.
    Nice to see ya.

  8. It's nice to see you here, Jamie Dawn. I have visited Arkansas. It is a pretty state. But coming from such a wide open space sometimes a lot of trees seem to close in on me.

  9. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I wanted to be the first, but let me be the second. You do look exactly as I pitchered (that's southern for pictured). And I love all the pitchers of Texas, too Fuxx. I'll be back...

  10. Happy to have ya, DJ. Thanks so much for commenting.
