Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pumpjack At Sunset

The sight of an oil well at sunset would look a lot prettier if it was one that I owned. Especially with crude oil at 78 bucks a barrel.


  1. Ahhhh yes. Gods Country.

  2. Thanks Mimi, Sunset is my favorite time of the day. It's a lot cooler.

    You are absolutely right, Phred.

  3. Nice pic as always Fuzz. I dont really get to see sunsets anymore ( I think because its so built up here}

  4. I have been to texas a few times, to El Paso, and San Antonio for bowl games, and it's a very pretty state. The scenery in El Paso and around the stadium is just amazing.

    That's a pretty sunset

  5. Awesome Fuzz! I'm glad you pointed the way over here, since clearly I wasn't smart enough to find it on my own. I love the template and can't wait to see the pictures. You know at home I just have dial up, and I'm simply not patient enough to wait the 3 1/2 days it will take for them to load.

  6. pixie: That's a shame. There is not many natural wonders as pretty as a good sunset.

    phats: I love that stadium but it is the sight of one of the worst games that I have ever witnessed when Oklahoma bitch slapped the Red Raiders.

    vic: I am sure that you would have found it sooner or later. I had almost forgotten how bad I hated dial up. I never even attempted to visit photo blogs when I was still on dial up.

  7. I love this photo! Sunsets are so beautiful, probably the best time of the day.

  8. Love this pic.

    And it reminds me of a west texas band one of my friends used to be a drummer for. They were called "Pumpjack Rocks".

  9. Andie, Was this band from Midland? I ask because I have seen a band from Midland by the name of Pumpjack so I wonder if they might have shortened the name. The band was very good. They had a Pantera sound.

  10. Anonymous11:49 PM

    The band is called PUMPJACK. ..Pumpjack Rocks...was their they are on Facebook. ..going strong!
