Saturday, July 15, 2006

He Shoots, He Scores Again

Woo Hoo, they sent me the action figures as a thanks for reviewing that game site a while back. I couldn't believe it when I opened the mail and there they were, not one but three action figures. I will post them all in Blugstuff sometime next week. This is Tough Shit. I went over and gave one to Big D. It is a Turd Superhero named ShatMan. He has a collection of Superhero Action Figures so I couldn't resist giving him shit. But I do believe that I will keep this one. Maybe I can do a contest on Blugstuff and give away the other one. It is a lumberjack that is appropriately named for a contest over there. That way I can give away Jack Shit for a prize. But I just wonder what kind of contest could I do. I was thinking possibly a 'Talk Shit' contest. What y'all think?


  1. LOL Fuzz, I bet you could talk it like the best of em.

    pretty cool of the company though.

  2. Pixie and Siren, I bet both of you would have an excellent shot at the contest. It could be fun. I will have to think of how a talk shit contest would work.

  3. Isn't it cool Curare. One of the instructions on the back of the box says to keep it out of direct sunlight or the Turd gets crusty.
