Thursday, July 13, 2006

Leapin' Lizards

Lizards are plentiful in this area but you don't see these very often. Mostly they are those green gecko looking ones. There are some mountain boomers that are fun. When you chase them they climb up on their back legs and run away but if you turn and run the other direction then they will chase you. That's always good for cheap laughs.


  1. ^LOL .I havent noticed anyaround here. I am sure there are all kinds of things lurking in the grass.

  2. Mimi, they are and they are quick at it.

    Ranea, it is a lot of fun.

    Pixie, all you have to do is look and just about anywhere there is a whole world that escapes our attention most of the time.

  3. I would have trouble working if I lived in TX. The Antidote gets made because whenever we go walking I feel it necessary to chase any birds I see sitting on people's lawns. If we had these geckos, I'd be in GREAT shape... :-) ha ha ha

  4. Curare, it is funny to watch them act all badass and chase people on their back legs. Much funner than birds.
