This is a replica of the Askins - Shaw dugout that was originally built around 1878. The Askins Family were one of the first settlers to Dickens County. The dugout was a popular and common sense approach to home building for the early settlers. There was not a lot of timber so by building a dug out it certainly saved on building wooden walls. John Askins traveled all the way to Colorado City, TX in order to buy the tin for the construction of it's roof. That is over 90 miles by mule.
When my family moved into this part of the world in the late 1800's, they built a dug out that must have been very similar to this one. Nothing is left of the original dugout but a slight depression in the ground. Most of the building material was used on other projects after the family built their non-dugout home. Waste not want not, that was the maxim for these early settlers.
Cool place to live. It is much like the Icelandic houses - of which there are still some today in use. Building into the ground is smart when the elements dictate your living.
you had to be a tough sonofagun to settle texas back then...between the heat, the critters and the indians...your life span was pretty damn short..one of my great great great grandfathers farmed in palo pinto county...it was very tough..and my grandpa farmed out by mesquite...house was held together by wood and rc cola signs...ahh the good ole days...
those dugouts were really something..how would you like to spend a few winters and summers in that..whew...yup they were tough
Terry, I loved that pic. One must do what one can to find shelter. And these type dwellings are very practical. In the past few years in this part of the world, I have seen a few homes made where they built the home from concrete and then built a hill on top of it. It makes a very secure and cost effecient house. I have even seen one school built in this fashion.
Granny, they were tough. I can't imagine trying to keep such a place clean. They had to get used to lots of dust. I would guess.
That pic looks right off a wild west movie set.
I think west Texas is one of the most wonderful places on earth and I would give anything to live in this part of Texas.Somtimes we go to visit our Grandparents out here in west Texas and there is nothing I enjoy more than spending my time out here in the dry dusty heat finding things time has forgot.I have lived in the city all 13 years of my life and as soon as I finaly buy a house of my own its going to be here in west Texas.I came along this blog one day when I googled up the Askins dugout trying learn more about my great great great Grandparents who built it and I have been hooked on it ever since and have realy enjoyed all of the pics and comments from fellow Texans. Tim
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