
This is sort of like a 'Where's Waldo' pic. Can you see the turkeys? You will most likely have to click the pic to enlarge it, in order to find them. I took this shot right before dark as the turkeys were moving to their roost.
The dumbest wildlife question that I ever was asked happened when I was 16. As I was out and about on the ranch, where I grew up, an out-of-state hunter stopped and asked me how far a turkey ran when you shot it, as he chased one for half a mile after hitting it. I told him that if you shot right, about two steps.
I don't think he ever asked me another question.
I see em! Up there under the trees...We have turkeys around here too. They are funny - and you can hear them gobbling up on the hills. They are so much smarter than their domestic counterparts aren't they?
Cool. We don't have turkeys that I know of here, but I did see an owl this weekend, which was very cool. also, one of our neighbors has a bullriding competition every Sunday and we went there the other night. Well, Yee-Haw, call me a cowgirl. It was awesome...and they let the kids go in and chase a little calf & stuff. A few of my youngins went it. It was very funny...hope all is well fuzz.
shot turkeys dont run...
ps..what is fantastic on my west blog the amt of food, the amt of people or the fact that we are 92% white here? hahaha
Terry, they are thick around here and certain times of the day you have to come to almost a dead stop as 20-30 birds are crossing the highway. One day a man came in to work white as a sheet. He had hit a turkey going 70 mph. The turkey went in the windshield and out the back glass. He was thankful for it was on the passengers side or it would have taken his head off.
dear jane: One of the funnest things to see in a rodeo is during the jr. part of the rodeo when they have a calf scramble. They tie a ribbon to a calf and the first kid that grabs the ribbon and brings it back wins a prize. It sounds like you are really enjoying country life.
Mimi, he wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp.
Granny, I just thought that it was amazing that so many attended and pushed the population up so far.
ooooh, I see them. Hubby would be so proud. I can't wait to tell him!
Vic, you will turn into a huntress yet. ;)
When I had land--we always had turkeys--the funny thing is:
Right before Thanksgiving---
How did they know???
Starbender, I guess they are pretty bright after all.
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