Rain Cloud

The bottom shot is where I turned around from watching the rain clouds and just shot a pic down the road. It may be goofy to just take a picture of the little farm to market road but the picture reminds me of the line from a Robert Earl Keen tune, 'The road goes on forever and the party never ends.' It also illustrates just how isolated thundershowers can be here in West Texas. I have seen it to where it will have a good rain on one side of the road and the other side of the road stays bone dry.

We get the sun/rain combo here in Phoenix too sometimes. As a kid, I thought that if the sun was shining while it was raining that it was good luck.
Still do. ;)
Great pics on this site!
Andie, there is an old saying that if it is raining and the sun is shining then it will rain again tomorrow. That is very good luck around here. I'm glad you like the pics. I am not much of a photographer but I have a lot of fun with it.
I think you are a wonderful photographer. I love these pics. I have become quite the photo-bug since moving back out to the country. There is just so much beauty to capture...
Mimi, I bet that you are right.
Dear Jane, dang it's good to hear from you. You need to start sharing some of those pics.
ok, but I am not posting any nekkid ones...
Gosh I dont think I have ever seen a road as long and lonely ( well except in the movies)
Nice pics though as ever :)
Dear Jane, I won't post them either. You have to leave a little bit to the imagination, huh.
Pixie, actually this is a road with fairly steady traffic. There are much lonelier roads around here.
When you live next to a highway, everything else looks quiet ;)
Pixie, I have never lived right next to a highway. I don't think that I could ever sleep if I did.
if i didnt love west, texas so much ..i would live in west texas...confusing huh?...i love Star Texas...or is it blue star..can't remember..west texas is where my relatives started out and then they moved on down the road to mesquite....
the rain clouds pic is beautiful!
Granny, you make it sound like a wonderful place. One day I need to head down there and check it out.
Old Farts Wife, I am using it as my background right now. Maybe it will bring good luck.
i had a mental breakdown..for some reason i got my texas confused...my kin folk are from east texas..not west texas...i need to quit skipping my meds..
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