
It had been reviewing my posts and realized a gross oversight on my part. I do not know how I managed to wait this long before posting a picture of horses. I hope this rectifies the situation somewhat.
And you might also notice that the rains of the past two weeks have really made a difference in the pastures. A little bit of green is starting to come back.
send some of that rain to central texas...we need it outside watering at all here...rats
Mimi, we need a lot more to do much good but every bit helps.
Granny, I would love to share with all. It is just a little but at least the weeds are greening up a little.
Ranea, Yee Haw.
They R beautiful! What a wonderful animal. Do they still run free in Texas???
I love dogs and cats, but there isn't a more beautiful animal on the face of the Earth than a horse. Great pic, fuzz.
thanks for sharing the pics fuzz.
I am glad ya'll have gotten a little rain.
Starbender, only in very limited areas. Not here in barbed wire country.
Bruce, and there isn't many that are so helpful to man.
Old Fart's Wife, we could use more but maybe this will prime the pump.
What a difference there is between good ole Texas horses and those in Iceland.
I agree one of my favourite animals is a horse. I love to stroke that really soft spot on their noses :)
Terry, those horses over there are fuzzy huh.
Pixie, so you have a soft spot for a soft spot?
Fuzz Lol I guess I do!
Yeah, Fuzzy :-)
Cool pic.
Three of them look mad.Ha Ha...
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