Monday, September 11, 2006

Old Fence Row

Just an old fence row that time has forgot. Blow sand has built up around it. Weeds and grass burs have grown upon the blow sand. Once again nature attempts to reclaim it's own.


  1. Ah - looks like just the place to tie up your horse, plop down on the ground and look up at the sky. Lovely place.

  2. if let to her own devises..texas will reclaim her onw all the way to denver...
    i love if i could just get rid of the people..

  3. Terry, it is a quiet out of the way place. Just my kind of place to hang out.

    Mimi, it is nice when it happens except when it is your yard.

    Granny, but your nice.

  4. he he..tell that to rant'n ron...hahha
