Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Snake Pit

Here is Jones Stadium. I took the picture from the old press box in order to give a good look at the stands. It is unusual as the stands are only on one side of the field, so the visitors sit right alongside the hometown fans. It is built into the side of a hill and is much like a smaller version of the Sun Bowl in El Paso. The stadium earned it's name from two different sources according to who you get your information from. One source will say that it is due to the snakes living in the hill and another source will say that it comes from the style of play from the home team. Either way it was a great place to play when I was in high school and now that I am an adult, it is a great place to watch a game under the Friday Night Lights.

One thing that you might have noticed is the fact that the middle of the field is the 40 yard line. A few years ago, due to the declining population, the school went to a six man football schedule. If you have never caught a six man game, I would recommend it. It is a fast paced game with a lot of scoring most of the time. Although I still long for the day when my old alma mater played regular 11 man football. But any football is better than none.


  1. Hopefully during the next home game, I will remember to bring my camera and get an action shot from the stands to give a look at how the game looks from the stands.

  2. i made my self a promise that i would go to our homecoming game..we are 2-0 and could be in competion this year...yea us..
    re:your comment...mo who is 33 years old now and 2 years sober is not speaking to me as i finally got pissed off having to guard every word i said so as not to upset her..my last words were "im tired of carrying the cross in your pity parade.'...click..hmmmm...out of 3 kids..none of them are talking to me..thoms' mad cause i refered to his wife as imacuntthedaughterinlaw....well she is....and david..well david has his own set of problems i cant solve...
    but im fine and they are still fucked up...so nana nana nana..ha..great mother huh?
    and by the way..6 man football rocks..especially in texas...

  3. I am still trying to ''adjust'' to six-man football.
    Old habits (11 man) are hard to break.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Buzz Bissinger painted a great picture of Texas high school football in Friday Night Lights. It almost makes me wish I lived there...

  5. Granny, I am sorry to hear that. But you are correct. Six man football is a great game. It just takes some getting used to.

    Mimi, I always wonder at college and pro games at commercial time outs. That just sucks.

    Phred, adjusting is hard but it is still football.

    Ranea, if you are getting spanked that bad. It is a mercy to shut it down.

    Bruce, I had a cousin that played for Permian on a team that lost state two years after that book was written. Permian has gone downhill the past few years after they were hit with a lot of UIL violations it had the same effect as the NCAA death penalty against SMU.

  6. dang i had a cousin that played for permian too..but way before the friday night lights book..which was terrific by the way..wonder what the tv show will be like?
